Friday, May 9, 2008

Mind and body should be healthy to lead a comfortable life

Physical as well as mental health together only results in a happy and successful life. With an unending diet of pizzas, hot dogs and burgers, coupled together with stress filled workplaces and irregular sleeping hours, it's no wonder most urban people in the 21st century are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If you want to lead a comfortable life then, both your mind and body should be healthy. In order for the average person to stay on top, they must equip themselves with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the fitness race. If an individual is physically fit but mentally ill or vice versa then he/she will not be able to achieve his aims or goals in life. Work outs like yoga and meditation serve a two way purpose to an individual. Make yoga and meditation a regular practice so that development is on the whole. These practices help in relaxing the mind, and also the physique of the individual practicing yoga and meditation stays fit and in shape.