Sunday, May 11, 2008

Healthy mind and body for normal and comfortable life

Healthy mind and body are essential to lead a normal and comfortable life. Urban lifestyle in the 21st century is turning people's lives upside down because they don't know how to live a balanced life. Both physical and mental health together contributes to a successful life. If you don't sleep consistently, your metabolic clock will turn topsy-turvy. You will even gain weight because your body is not properly rested. The standard of living of a person is one of the sources of ill health particularly among the youngsters. Eat healthy food. That means, cut down on salt, sugar, oil, preservatives and fatty substances. Unpredictable timings of consuming food, sleeping, less physical activity, unconventional diet without nourishing food all interrupt the natural way of life. If you never exercise well, you are going to get into trouble. Achievement of one's goals and aims becomes all the more difficult, if an individual do not have any of them. Do not think that if you want to lose weight, all you got to do is eat less... it will be even unhealthier if you lose muscle instead of fat.